Sabtu, 10 Desember 2016

DV Run 2016

Arif Mahendra
Computer Science

Detil Acara
DV Run adalah kegiatan yang dibuat oleh KMBD (Keluarga Mahasiswa Buddhist Dhammavaddhana) dari Universitas BINUS. Kegiatan DV Run adalah lari pagi di ancol sejauh 5 Km dan acara-acara memperingati hari pahlawan nasional, disamping itu DV Run memiliki tujuan lain untuk membantu anak-anak jalanan melalui uang pendaftaran DV Run yang akan disumbangkan kepada rumah singgah Bina Anak Pertiwi dan yayasan Sahabat Anak. DV Run dimulai pukul 07.00 WIB pagi sampai dengan pukul 15.00 WIB sore. Di acara tersebut mereka juga menghadirkan bintang tamu seperti Patricia Gouw dan Hermadisya

Alasan Mengikuti DV Run
Pada awalya, saya mencari kegiatan semacam ini untuk menambah jam community service saya. Namun, melihat kegiatan DV Run charity run ini menarik perhatian saya, karena tidak hanya sekedar olah raga untuk membugarkan diri tapi juga untuk membantu anak-anak yang membutuhkan.

Pelajaran Yang Saya Dapat
Kegiatan ini mengajarkan saya untuk bersyukur dengan apa yang saya miliki. Anak-anak itu berdiri berderetan di garis finish untuk memberikan medali. Bisa saya lihat betapa senangnya mereka memberikan medali itu. Kegiatan ini juga dapat meningkatkan nilai sosial kita serta menyehatkan tubuh kita.

Motivasi Yang Dapat Diberikan Kepada Anak-Anak Jalanan dan Aktivis Sosial
Lestarikan hidup sehat dan berolah raga setidaknya seminggu sekali. Olah raga itu sangat penting bagi tubuh kita. Kesehatan dapat didapat cukup dengan lari pagi. Semoga anak-anak jalanan dapat hidup sehat dan semoga biaya yang dikumpulkan dapat digunakan dengan baik oleh aktivis-aktivis sosial.

Foto-foto Kegiatan

(Saya yang nomor 10713)

Informasi Tentang Anak Jalanan
Anak jalanan adalah anak yang hidup di jalanan karena hidup yang tidak berkecukupan, kebanyakan dari mereka tidak sekolah, akta kelahiran pun tidak ada. Anak-anak yang tidak memiliki akta kelahiran akan memiliki kendala saat harus masuk ke dunia pendidikan. Dengan adanya akta kelahiran akan membantu pemenuhan hak hidup dan tumbuh kembang anak.

Pemerintah harus lebih memerhatikan anak-anak di Indonesia baik yang hidup di jalanan maupun yang sudah berkecukupan. Generasi penerus harus diperhatikan demi kemajuan negara ini.

Senin, 16 Desember 2013

Chapter 10: Database Management
Student Assignments Page 542
Lecturer: Tri Djoko Wahjono

1. What Is a Database, and How Does a Database Interact with Data and Information?
A database is a collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and use of that data. Database software, often called a database management system (DBMS), allows users to create a computerized database; add, modify, and delete the data; sort and retrieve the data; and create forms and reports from the data. Data is a collection of unprocessed items, which can include text, numbers, images, audio, and video. Computers process data into information. Information is processed data; that is, it is organized, meaningful, and useful. In addition to documents, information can be in the form of audio, images, and video.

2. What Is Data Integrity, and What Are the Qualities of Valuable Information?
Because data is used to generate information, many organizations realize that data is one of their more valuable assets. Data integrity identifi es the quality of data. Data integrity is important because computers and people use information to make decisions= and take actions. For a computer to produce correct information, the data that is entered in a database must have integrity. For information to be valuable, it should be accurate, verifi able, timely, organized, accessible, useful, and cost-effective. Accurate information is error free. Verifi able information can be proven as correct or incorrect. Timely information has an age suited to its use. Organized information is arranged to suit the needs and requirements of the decision maker. Accessible information is available when the decision maker needs it. Useful information has meaning to the person who receives it. Cost-effective information should give more value than it costs to produce.

3. What Is Meant by Character, Field, Record, and File?
Data is classifi ed in a hierarchy, with each level of data consisting of one or more items from the lower level. A bit is the smallest unit of data a computer can process. Eight bits grouped together in a unit form a byte, and each byte represents a single character, which can be a number, letter, space, punctuation mark, or other symbol. A field is a combination of one or more related characters or bytes and is the smallest unit of data a user accesses. A record is a group of related fi elds. A data file is a collection of related records stored on a storage medium such as a hard disk or optical disc.

4. What Are File Maintenance Techniques and Validation Techniques?
File maintenance refers to the procedures that keep data current. File maintenance procedures include adding records when new data is obtained, modifying records to correct inaccurate data or to update old data with new data, and deleting records when they no longer are needed. Validation is the process of comparing data with a set of rules or values to fi nd out if the data is correct. Many programs perform a validity check that analyzes data, either as you enter it or after you enter it, to help ensure that it is correct. Types of validity checks include an alphabetic check, a numeric check, a range check, a consistency check, a completeness check, and a check digit.

5. How Is a File Processing Approach Different from the Database Approach?
In a file processing system, each department or area within an organization has its own set of data fi les. The records in one fi le may not relate to the records in any other fi le. Two major weaknesses of fi le processing systems are redundant data (duplicated data) and isolated data. With a database approach, many programs and users share the data in a database. The database approach reduces data redundancy, improves data integrity, shares data, permits easier access, and reduces development time. A database, however, can be more complex than a fi le processing system, requiring special training and more computer memory, storage, and processing power than fi le processing systems. Data in a database also can be more vulnerable than data in fi le processing systems.

6. What Functions Are Common to Most Database Management Systems?
Database management  systems (DBMSs) are available for many sizes and types of computers. Whether designed for a small or large computer, most DBMSs perform common functions. Chapter Review The Chapter Review reinforces the main concepts presented in this chapter. A data dictionary, sometimes called a repository, contains data about each fi le in the database and each fi eld in those fi les. A DBMS offers several methods to retrieve and maintain data in the database, such as query languages, query by example, forms, and report generators. A query language consists of simple, English-like statements that allow users to specify the data to display, print, or store. Query by example (QBE) has a graphical user interface that assists users with retrieving data. A form, sometimes called a data entry form, is a window on the screen that provides areas for entering or modifying data in a database. A report generator, also called a report writer, allows users to design a report on the screen, retrieve data into the report design, and then display or print the report. To supply security, most DBMSs can identify different levels of access privileges that defi ne the actions a specifi c user or group of users can perform for each fi eld in a database. If a database is damaged or destroyed, aDBMS provides techniques to return the database to a usable form. A backup is a copy of the database. A log is a listing of activities that modify the contents of the database. A recovery utility uses the logs and/orbackups to restore the database using rollforward or
rollback techniques. In a rollforward, also called forward recovery, the DBMS uses the log to reenter changes made to the database since the last save or backup. In a rollback, also called backward recovery, the DBMS uses the log to undo any changes made to the database during a certain period. Continuous backup is a backup plan in which all data is backed up whenever a change is made.

7. What Are Characteristics of Relational, Object-Oriented, and Multidimensional Databases?
A data model consists of rules and standards that defi ne how the database organizes data. Three popular data models are relational, object-oriented, and multidimensional. A relational database stores data in tables that consist of rows and columns. A relational database developer refers to a fi le as a relation, a record as a tuple, and a fi eld as an attribute. A relational database user refers to a fi le as a table, a record as a row, and a fi eld as a column. A relationship is a link within the data in a relational database. Structured Query Language (SQL) allows users to manage, update, and retrieve data in a relational database. An object-oriented database (OODB) stores data in objects. An object is an item that contains data, as well as the actions that read or process the data. Applications appropriate for an object-oriented database include a multimedia database, a groupware database, a computer-aided design (CAD) database, a hypertext database, and a hypermedia database. Object-oriented databases often use an object query language (OQL) to manipulate and retrieve data. A multidimensional database stores data in dimensions. These multiple dimensions, sometimes known as a hypercube, allow users to access and analyze any view of the database data. No standard query language exists for multidimensional databases. One application that uses multi dimensional databases is a data warehouse, which is a huge database that stores and manages the data required to analyze historical and current transactions. A smaller version of a data warehouse is the data mart, which contains a database that helps a specifi c group or department make decisions.

8. How Are Web Databases Accessed?
To access data in a Web database, you fill in a form or enter search text on a Web page, which is the front end to the database. A Web database usually resides on a database server, which is a computer that stores and provides access to a database. One type of program that manages the sending and receiving of data between the front end and the database server is a CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script.

9. What Are the Responsibilities of Database Analysts and Administrators?
A database analyst (DA), or data modeler, focuses on the meaning and usage of data. The DA decides on the placement of fi elds, defi nes data relationships, and identifi es users’ access privileges. A database administrator (DBA) requires a more technical inside view of the data. The DBA creates and maintains the data dictionary, manages database security, monitors database performance, and checks backup and recovery procedures. In small companies, one person often is both the DA and DBA. In larger companies, the responsibilities of the DA and DBA are split among two or more people
Chapter 9: Communication and Networks
Student Assignments Page 500
Lecturer: Tri Djoko Wahjono

1. What Is the Purpose of the Components Required for Successful Communications, and What Are Various Sending and Receiving Devices?
Computer communications describes a process in which two or more computers or devices transfer data, instructions, and information. Successful communications requires a sending device that initiates a transmission instruction, a communications device that connects the sending device to a communications channel, a communications channel on which the data travels, a communications device that connects the communications channel to a receiving device, and a receiving device that accepts the transmission of data, instructions, or information. All types of computers and mobile devices serve as sending and receiving devices in a communications system.

2. How Are Computer Communications Used?
Communications technologies include blogs, chat rooms, e-mail, fax, FTP, instant messaging, newsgroups, RSS, video conferencing, VoIP, Web, Web folders, and wikis. Users can send and receive wireless messages to and from smart phones, cell phones, handheld game consoles, and other mobile devices using text messaging, picture messaging and video messaging, and wireless instant messaging. People connect wirelessly to the Internet through a wireless Internet access point. A hot spot is a wireless network that provides Internet connections to mobile computers and devices. A cybercafé is a coffeehouse, restaurant, or other location that provides computers with Internet access. A global positioning system (GPS) analyzes signals sent by satellites to determine an earth-based receiver’s geographic location. Many software products provide a means to collaborate, or work online with other users connected to a server. Groupware is software that helps groups of people work on projects or share information over a network. Voice mail allows someone to leave a voice message for one or more people. Web services describe standardized software that enables programmers to create applications that communicate with other remote computers.

3. What Are the Advantages of Using a Network, and How Are LANs, MANs, and WANs Different?
A network is a collection of computers and devices connected together via communications devices and transmission media. Advantages of using a network include facilitating communications, sharing hardware, sharing data and information, sharing software, and transferring funds. Networks typically are classifi ed as a local area network (LAN ), which connects computers in devices in a limited geographical area; a metropolitan area network (MAN ), which is a high-speed network that connects local area networks in a larger area, such as city or town; or a wide area network ( WAN ), which covers a large geographic area using a communications channel that combines many types of media.

4. How Are a Client/Server and Peer-to-Peer Networks Different, and How Does a P2P Network Work?
On a client/server network, one or more computers acts as a server, sometimes called a host computer, which controls access to network resources and provides a centralized storage area, while the other computers and devices on the network are clients that rely on the server for resources. A peer-to-peer network is a simple network that typically connects fewer than 10 computers that have equal responsibilities and capabilities. P2P is an Internet peer-to-peer network on which users access each other’s hard disks directly and exchange fi les over the Internet.

5. How Are a Star Network, Bus Network, and Ring Network Different?
A network topology refers to the layout of computers and devices in a communications network. Three commonly used network topologies are the star, bus, and ring. On a star network, all computers and devices on the network connect to a central device, thus forming a star. A bus network consists of a single central cable to which all computers and other devices connect. On a ring network, a cable forms a closed loop (ring) with all computers and devices arranged along the ring.

6. What Are Various Network Communications Standards?
A network standard defi nes guidelines that specify the way computers access a medium, the type(s) of medium, the speeds on different types of networks, and the type of physical cable or wireless technology used. Network communications standards include the following. Ethernet specifi es that no central computer or device on the network should control when data can be transmitted. Token ring requires devices to share or pass a special signal, called a token. TCP/IP divides data into packets. Wi-Fi identifies any network based on the 802.11 standards for wireless communications. Bluetooth uses short-range radio waves to transmit data. UWB specifi es how two UWB devices use short-range radio waves to communicate at high speeds. IrDA transmits data wirelessly via infrared light waves. RFID uses radio signals for communications. WiMAX is a network standard developed by IEEE that specifi es how wireless devices communicate over the air in a wide area. The Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) specifi es how some mobile devices can display Internet content. 

7. What Is the Purpose of Communications Software
 Communications software helps users establish c onnection to another computer or network; manages the transmission of data, instructions, and information; and provides an interface for users to communicate with one another.

8. What Are Various Types of Lines for Communications over the Telephone Network?
The telephone network uses dial-up lines or dedicated lines. A dial-up line is a temporary connection that uses one or more analog telephone lines for communications. A dedicated line is an always-on connection established between two communications devices. Dedicated lines include the following. ISDN is a set of standards for digital transmission of data over standard copper telephone lines. DSL transmits at fast speeds on existing standard copper telephone wiring. FTTP, or Fiber to the Premises, uses fi ber-optic cable to provide extremely high-speed Internet access to a user’s physical permanent location. Two specifi c types of FTTP are FTTH (Fiber to the Home) and FTTB (Fiber to the Building). A T-carrier line is a long-distance digital telephone line that carries multiple signals over a single communications line. ATM is a service that carries voice, data, video, and multimedia at extremely high speeds. 

9. What Are Commonly Used Communications Devices?
A communications device is hardware capable of transmitting data between a sending device and a receiving device. A dial-up modem converts digital signals to signals and analog signals to digital signals so that data can travel along analog telephone lines. A digital modem sends and receives data and information to and from a digital line. An ISDN modem transmits digital data to and from an ISDN line, while a DSL modem transmits digital data to and from a DSL line. A cable modem, sometimes called a broadband modem, is a digital modem that sends and receives digital data over the cable television network. A wireless modem uses the cell phone network to connect to the Internet wirelessly from mobile computers and devices. A network card enables a computer or device that does not have built-in networking capability to access a network. A wireless access point allows computers and devices to transfer data wirelessly. A router connects multiple computers or other routers together and transmits data to its correct destination on the network. A hub or switch is a device that provides a central point for cables in a network.

10. How Can a Home Network Be Set Up?
A home network connects multiple computers and devices in a home. An Ethernet network connects each computer to a hub with a physical cable. A home powerline cable network uses the same lines that bring electricity into the house. A phoneline network uses existing telephone lines in a home. Most home networks use a Wi-Fi network.

11. What Are Various Physical and Wireless Transmission Media?
Transmission media consist of materials or substances capable of carrying one or more signals. Physical transmission media use tangible materials to send communications signals. Twisted-pair cable consists
of one or more twisted-pair wires bundled together. Coaxial cable consists of a single copper wire surrounded by at least three layers: an insulating material, a woven or braided metal, and a plastic outer coating. Fiber-optic cable consists of thin strands of glass or plastic that use light to transmit signals. Wireless transmission media send communications signals through the air or space. Infrared (IR) sends signals using infrared light waves. Broadcast radio distributes radio signals through the air over long and short distances. Cellular radio is a form of broadcast radio that is used widely for mobile communications. Microwaves are radio waves that provide a highspeed signal transmission. A communications satellite is a space station that receives microwave signals from an earth-based station, amplifi es the signals, and broadcasts the signals back over a wide area.
Chapter 8: Operating Systems and Utility Programs
Student Assignments Page 432
Lecturer: Tri Djoko Wahjono

1. What Is System Software, and What Are the Two Types
of System Software?
System software consists of the programs that control or maintain the operations of a computer and its devices. Two types of system software are operating systems and utility programs. An operating system (OS) is a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate all the activities among computer hardware resources. A utility program, also called a utility, performs maintenance-type tasks, usually related to managing a computer, its devices, or its programs.

2. What Are the Functions of an Operating System?
The operating system starts and shuts down a computer, provides a user interface, manages programs, manages memory, coordinates tasks, confi gures devices, establishes an Internet connection, monitors performance, provides utilities, updates automatically, controls a network, and administers security. The user interface controls how data and instructions are entered and how information
is displayed on the screen. Two types of user interfaces are a graphical user interface (GUI ) and a command-line interface. Managing programs refers to how many users, and how many programs, an operating system can support at one time. An operating system can be single user/single tasking, single user/multitasking, multiuser, or multiprocessing. Memory management optimizes the use of random access memory (RAM). If memory is insuffi cient, the operating system may use virtual memory, which allocates a portion of a storage medium to function as additional RAM. Coordinating tasks determines the order in which tasks are processed. Tasks include receiving data from an input device, processing instructions, sending information to an output device, and transferring items between storage and memory. Confi guring devices involves loading each device’s driver when a user boots the computer. A driver, short for device driver, is a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specifi c device. Establishing an Internet connection sets up a connection between a computer and an Internet access provider. A performance monitor is an operating system program that assesses and reports information about computer resources and devices. Operating systems often provide the capability of managing and searching for fi les, viewing images, securing a computer from unauthorized access, uninstalling programs, and other tasks. Most operating systems also include an automatic update feature that provides updates to the program. A server operating system is an operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share network resources. Network administrators typically have an administrator account that enables them to access fi les, install programs, and specify network settings, including creating user accounts and establishing permissions.

3. What Is the Startup Process on a Personal Computer?
Booting is the process of starting or restarting a computer. When a user turns on a computer, the power supply sends a signal to the system unit. The processor chip fi nds the ROM chip(s) that contains the BIOS (basic input/output system), which is fi rmware with the computer’s startup instructions. The BIOS performs the power-on self test (POST ) to check system components and compares the results with data in a CMOS chip. If the POST completes successfully, the BIOS searches for the system files and the kernel of the operating system, which manages memory and devices, and loads them into memory from storage. Finally, the operating system loads confi guration information, requests any necessary user information, and displays the desktop on the screen. The operating system executes programs in the Startup folder, which contains a list of programs that open automatically when you boot the computer.

4. What Are Features of Windows 7, Mac OS X, UNIX, and Linux Operating Systems?
A stand-alone operating system is a complete operating system that works on a desktop computer, notebook computer, or mobile computing device. Windows 7 is Microsoft’s fastest, most effi cient operating system to date, offering quicker program start up, built-in diagnostics, automatic recovery, improved security, p y enhanced searching and organizing capabilities, and an easy-to-use interface. Most users choose from Windows 7 Starter, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Ultimate, or Windows 7 Professional editions. Mac OS X is a multitasking operating system available only for Apple computers. UNIX is a multitasking operating system developed at Bell Laboratories. Linux is a popular, multitasking UNIX-type operating system that is open source software, which means its code is available to the public for use, modifi cation, and redistribution.

5. What Are Various Server Operating Systems?
Server operating systems include Windows Server 2008, UNIX, Linux, Solaris, and NetWare. Windows Server 2008 is an upgrade to Windows Server 2003 and includes features of previous Windows Server versions. UNIX, like Linux, is a multipurpose operating system because it is both a stand-alone and server operating system. Solaris, a version of UNIX developed by Sun Microsystems, is a server operating system designed specifi cally for e-commerce applications. Novell’s NetWare is a server operating system designed for client/server networks.

6. What Are the Features of Several Embedded Operating Systems?
Mobile devices and many consumer electronics have an embedded operating system that resides on a ROM chip. Popular embedded operating systems include Windows Embedded CE, Windows Mobile, Palm OS, iPhone OS, BlackBerry, Google Android, embedded Linux, and Symbian OS. Windows Embedded CE is a scaled-down Windows  operating system designed for use on communications, entertainment, and computing devices with limited functionality. Windows Mobile, an operating system based on Windows Embedded CE, provides a user interface designed for specifi c types of smart phones and PDAs. Palm OS is an operating system used on smart phones and PDAs. iPhone OS, developed by Apple, is an operating system for the iPhone and iPod touch. The BlackBerry operating system runs on handheld devices supplied by RIM. Google Android is an operating system developed by Google for mobile devices. Embedded Linux is a scaled-down Linux operating system for smart phones, PDAs, portable media players, and other devices requiring an embedded operating system. Symbian OS is an open source multitasking operating system designed for smart phones.
7. What Is the Purpose of Several Utility Programs?
Most operating systems include several built-in utility programs. A file manager performs functions related to  file management. A search utility attempts to locate a fi le on your computer based on criteria you specify. An image viewer displays, copies, and prints the contents of a graphics fi le, such as photos. An uninstaller removes a program and any associated entries in the system fi les. A disk cleanup utility searches for and removes unnecessary fi les. A disk defragmenter reorganizes the fi les and unused space on a computer’s hard disk. A backup utility is used to copy, or back up, selected fi les or an entire hard disk to another storage medium. A restore utility reverses the backup process and returns backed up fi les to their original form. A screen saver displays a moving image or blank screen if no keyboard or mouse activity occurs for a specifi ed time. A personal firewall detects and protects a personal computer from unauthorized intrusions. An antivirus program protects computers against a virus, or potentially damaging computer program, by identifying and removing any computer viruses. A spyware remover detects and deletes spyware and other similar programs. An adware remover detects and deletes adware. Internet fi lter programs can include Web filtering software, an anti-spam program, a phishing filter, and a pop-up blocker. A file compression utility shrinks the size of a fi le so that it takes up less storage space. A media player allows you to view images and animation, listen to audio, and watch video fi les on a computer. Disc burning software writes text, graphics, audio, and video fi les on a recordable or rewritable CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc. A personal computer maintenance utility identifi es and fi xes operating system problems and improves a computer’s performance.
Chapter 7: Storage
Student Assignments Page 384
Lecturer: Tri Djoko Wahjono

1. How Are Storage Devices Different from Storage Media?
A storage medium is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions, and information. The number of bytes (characters) a storage medium can hold is its capacity. A storage device is the computer hardware that records and/or retrieves items to and from storage media. Writing is the process of transferring items from memory to a storage medium, and reading is the process of transferring these items from a storage medium into memory.

2. What Are the Characteristics of an Internal Hard Disk?
A hard disk, also called a hard disk drive or hard drive, is a storage device that contains one or more infl exible, circular platters that use magnetic particles to store data, instructions, and information. Traditionally, hard disks stored data using longitudinal recording, which aligned the magnetic particles horizontally. With perpendicular recording, hard disks align the particles vertically, making much greater storage capacities possible. The capacity of a hard disk is determined from whether it uses longitudinal or perpendicular recording, the number of platters it contains, and the composition of the magnetic coating on the platters. A platter is made of aluminum, glass, or ceramic and is coated with a material that allows items to be recorded magnetically on its surface. Each platter has two read/write heads, one for each side. The location of a read/write head often is referred to by its cylinder, which is the vertical section of a track that passes through all platters. Formatting is the process of dividing the disk into tracks and sectors. A track is a narrow recording band that forms a full circle on the surface of the disk. The disk’s storage locations are divided into pie-shaped sections, which break the tracks into small arcs called sectors. While the computer is running, the platters in the hard disk rotate at 5,400 to 15,000 revolutions per minute (rpm), which allows nearly instant access to all tracks and sectors on the platters. Transfer rate is the speed with which data, instructions, and information transfer to and from a storage device. Access time measures the amount of time it takes a storage device to locate an item on a storage medium,
or the time required to deliver an item from memory to the processor.

3. What Is the Purpose of Network Attached Storage Devices, External and Removable Hard Disks, and Hard Disk Controllers?
A network attached storage (NAS)  device is a server connected to a network with the sole purpose of providing storage. NAS devices often use a RAID confi guration. An external hard disk is a separate
freestanding hard disk that connects with a cable to a USB or FireWire port on the system unit or communicates wirelessly. External hard disks have storage capacities up to 4 TB and more. A removable hard disk can be inserted or removed from a built-in or external drive. Removable hard disks have storage capacities up to 1 TB. A disk controller consists of a special-purpose chip and electronic circuits that control the transfer of data, instructions, and information from a disk to and from the system bus and other components in a computer. A hard disk controller may be part of the hard disk on the motherboard, or it may be a separate adapter card inside the system unit.

4. What Are the Various Types of Flash Memory Storage?
Flash memory chips are a type of solid state media, which means they consist entirely of electronic components and contain no moving parts. A solid state drive (SSD) typically uses fl ash memory to store data, instructions, and information. A memory card is a removable fl ash memory device that you insert and remove from a slot in a computer, mobile device, or card reader/writer. Common memory cards include CompactFlash (CF ), Secure Digital (SD), Secure Digital High Capacity (SDHC), microSD, microSDHC, xD Picture Card, Memory Stick, and Memory Stick Micro (M2). A USB flash drive, sometimes called a thumb drive, is a fl ash memory storage d evice that plugs in a port on a computer or mobile device. An ExpressCard module is a removable device that fi ts in an ExpressCard slot. ExpressCard modules can add memory, storage, communications, or other capabilities to a computer.

5. What Is Cloud Storage, and What Are Its Advantages?
Cloud storage is an Internet service that provides storage for computer users. Available for all sizes of users, with various degrees of storage services available for home and business users, cloud storage fees vary, depending on the user’s storage requirements. Advantages include accessing fi les on the Internet from any computer or device with Internet access; storing large audio, video, and graphics fi les on the Internet instantaneously; allowing others to access their fi les on the Internet; viewing time-critical data and images immediately; storing off-site backups of data; and providing data center functions.

6. What Are the Characteristics of Optical Discs?
An optical disc is a type of storage media that consists of a fl at, round, portable disc made of metal, plastic, and lacquer that is written and read by a laser. Optical discs, which primarily store software, data, digital photos, movies, and music, contain microscopic pits (indentations) and lands (fl at areas) in their middle layer. Optical discs commonly store items in a single track that spirals from the center of the disc to its edge. Like a hard disk, the single track is divided into evenly sized sectors.

7. How Are the Various Types of Optical Discs Different?
A CD-ROM, or compact disc read-only memory, is a type of optical disc that uses laser technology to store items. Users can read the contents of standard CD-ROMs but
cannot erase or modify their contents. A CD-R (compact disc-recordable) is a multisession disc on which users can record their own items, such as text, graphics, and audio. Each part of a CD-R can be written on only one time, and the disc’s contents cannot be erased. A CD-RW (compact disc-rewritable) is an erasable disc that can be written on multiple times. An archive disc stores photos from an online photo center in the jpg fi le format. A Picture CD is a single-session CD-ROM that stores digital versions of fi lm using the jpg format at a lower resolution than an archive disc. A DVD-ROM (digital versatile disc-read-only memory or digital video disc-read-only memory) is a high capacity optical disc that you can read but not write on or erase. A newer, more expensive DVD format is Blu-ray Disc-ROM
(BD-ROM), with higher capacity and better quality than standard DVDs. Many types of recordable and rewritable DVD formats are available. DVD-R and DVD+R are DVD-recordable formats. BD-R is a high-capacity DVD-recordable format. DVD-RW, DVD+RW, and DVD+RAM are rewritable DVD formats that allow users to erase and record multiple times. BD-RE is a high-capacity rewritable DVD format.

8. How Are Tape, Magnetic Stripe Cards, Smart Cards, Microfilm and Microfiche, and Enterprise Storage Used?
Tape is a magnetically coated ribbon of plastic capable of storing large amounts of data and information at a low cost. A tape drive reads and writes data and information on tape. Business users utilize tape most often for long-term storage and backup. A magnetic stripe card is a credit card, entertainment card, bank card, or other similar card with a stripe that contains information identifying you and the card. A magnetic stripe card reader reads the information stored on the stripe. A smart card, which is similar in size to a credit or ATM card, stores data on a thin microprocessor embedded in the card. A smart card reader reads the information on the smart card and updates it if necessary. Microfilm is a 100- to 215-foot roll of fi lm. Microfiche is a small sheet of fi lm, usually about 4 3 6 inches. Microfi lm and microfi che reduce the amount of paper fi rms must handle, are inexpensive, and have the longest life of any storage media. Enterprises use computers, servers, and networks to manage and store huge volumes of data and information. In an enterprise, some storage systems can provide more than 185 TB of storage, and optical
Chapter 6: Output
Student Assignments Page 332
Lecturer: Tri Djoko Wahjono

1. What Is Input, and What Are the Differences among a Program, a Command, and a User Response?
Input is any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer. A program is a series of related instructions that tells a computer what tasks to perform and how to
perform them. A command is an instruction that causes a program to perform a specific action. A user issues a user response by replying to a question displayed by a program to perform certain actions.

2. What Keys Are Commonly Found on Desktop Computer Keyboards, and How Do Keyboards for Mobile Computers and Devices Differ from Desktop Computer Keyboards?
A keyboard is an input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer. Computer keyboards have a typing area that includes letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, and other basic keys. Most keyboards also have function keys programmed to issue commands; toggle keys that switch between two states when pressed; and keys used to move the insertion point, or cursor, on the screen. A gaming keyboard is a keyboard designed specifi cally for users who enjoy playing games on the computer. On notebook computers and some other mobile devices, the keyboard is built into the top of the system unit. To fi t in these mobile computers and devices, the keyboards usually are smaller and have fewer keys than desktop computer keyboards.

3. What Are Different Mouse Types, and How Do You Use a Mouse?
A mouse is a pointing device that fi ts under the palm of your hand. An optical mouse uses devices that emit and sense light to detect the mouse’s movement. A laser mouse uses a laser and is more expensive than an optical mouse. An air mouse allows you to control objects, media players, and slide shows by moving the mouse in predetermined directions through the air. A wireless mouse, or cordless mouse, transmits data using wireless technology. As you move a mouse, the mouse pointer moves on the screen. You then press a mouse button (usually the left) to click objects. Some programs support mouse gestures, where users can perform certain actions by holding a mouse button while moving the mouse in a particular pattern.

4. What Are the Various Types of Touch Screens, and How Does a Touch-Sensitive Pad Work?
A touch screen is a touch-sensitive display device. Touch screens that recognize multiple points of contact at the same time are known as multi-touch. Users interact with touch screens by touching areas of the screen such as pictures, numbers, letters, or locations identifi ed on the screen. A kiosk is a freestanding computer that usually includes a  touch screen. Microsoft Surface is a 30-inch tabletop display that allows one or more people to interact with the screen using their fi ngers or hands. A touch-sensitive pad is an input device that enables users to scroll through and play music, view pictures, watch videos or movies, adjust volume, and/or customize settings on a portable media player or other mobile device.

5. What Are the Various Types of Pen Input, and What Are Other Types of Input for Smart Phones?
With pen input, you touch a stylus or digital pen on a fl at surface, such as a screen on a monitor or mobile device, a signature capture pad, or a graphics tablet, to write, draw, or make selections. A stylus is a small metal or plastic device that looks like a tiny ink pen but uses pressure instead of ink. A digital pen, which is slightly larger than a stylus, features electronic erasers and programmable buttons. Handwriting recognition software is a program that translates handwritten letters and symbols into characters a computer or mobile device can process. A signature capture pad captures signatures written with a stylus or pen attached to a device. Some smart phones have digital cameras that have touch-sensitive pads. Others have a portable keyboard or optical keyboard built in.

6. What Are the Purposes of Gamepads, Joysticks and Wheels, Light Guns, Dance Pads, and Motion-Sensing Game Controllers?
A gamepad controls the movement and actions of players or objects in video games  or computer games. A joystick is a handheld vertical lever that you move to control a simulated vehicle or player. A wheel is a steering-wheel-type device that you turn to simulate driving a vehicle. A light gun is used to shoot targets you pull the trigger gets as r on the weapon. A dance pad is an electronic device, divided into panels, that users press with their feet. Motionsensing game controllers, such as the Wii Remote, guide on-screen elements by moving a handheld input device in predetermined directions through the air.

7. How Does Resolution Affect the Quality of a Picture Captured on a Digital Camera?
A digital camera allows users to take pictures and store the photographed images digitally. Resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device. The   greater the number of pixels the camera uses to capture a picture, the better the quality of the picture. Thus, the higher the resolution, the better the picture quality, but the more expensive the camera.

8. How Are Voice Recognition, Web Cams, and Video Conferencing Used?
Voice recognition, also called speech recognition, is the computer’s capability of distinguishing spoken words. A Web cam, also called a PC video camera, is a digital video camera that enables users to capture video and still images and then send or broadcast the images over the Internet. A video conference is a meeting between two or more geographically separated people who use a network or the Internet to transmit audio and video data.

9. How Do the Various Types of Scanners and Reading Devices Work?
A scanner, or optical scanner, is a light-sensing input device that reads printed text and graphics and translates the results into a form the computer can process. A flatbed scanner works in a manner similar to a copy machine except it creates a fi le of the document. An optical reader uses a light source to read characters, marks, and codes and converts them into digital data that a computer can process. Optical character recognition (OCR) reads characters from ordinary documents. Optical mark recognition (OMR) reads hand-drawn marks such as or rectangles. A bar code reader, or bar code scanner, is an optical reader that uses laser beams to read a bar code, or identifi cation code. RFID (radio frequency identification) uses radio signals to communicate with an embedded tag placed in or attached to an object, an animal, or a person. A magnetic stripe card reader, also called a magstripe reader, reads the magnetic stripe on the b ack of credit cards and other similar cards. MICR (magnetic-ink character recognition) reads text printed with magnetized ink.

10. What Are Various Biometric Devices?
A biometric device translates a personal characteristic into digital code that is compared with a digital code stored in the computer to identify an individual. A fingerprint reader captures curves and indentations of a fi ngerprint. A face recognition system captures a live face image and compares it with a stored image. A hand geometry system measures the shape and size of a hand. A voice verification system compares live speech with a stored voice pattern. A signature verification system recognizes the shape of a signature. An iris recognition system reads patterns in the iris of the eye. Retinal scanners scan patterns of blood vessels in the back of the retina.

11. How Do POS Terminals, Automated Teller Machines, and DVD Kiosks Work?
A terminal is a computer, usually with limited processing power, that enables users to send data to and/or receive information from a host computer. POS terminals, ATMs, and DVD kiosks are special-purpose terminals. A POS (point-of-sale) terminal records purchases, processes credit or debit cards, and updates inventory. An automated teller machine (ATM) is a self-service banking machine that connects to a host computer through a network. A DVD kiosk is a self-service DVD rental machine that connects to a host computer through a network.

12. What Are Alternative Input Devices for Physically Challenged Users?
Voice recognition is ideal for visually impaired users. A keyguard is a plate placed over the keyboard that allows users with limited hand mobility to rest their hands and press only one key at a time. Keyboards with larger keys or an on-screen keyboard displayed on a user’s screen also are available. A small trackball or a head-mounted pointer helps users with limited hand movement to control the pointer or  Two developments in the prototype recognition and computerized  devices.
Chapter 5: Input
Student Assignments Page 290
Lecturer: Tri Djoko Wahjono

1. What Is Input, and What Are the Differences among a Program, a Command, and a User Response?
Input is any data or instructions entered into the memory of a computer. A program is a series of related instructions that tells a computer what tasks to perform and how to
perform them. A command is an instruction that causes a program to perform a specific action. A user issues a user response by replying to a question displayed by a program to perform certain actions.

2. What Keys Are Commonly Found on Desktop Computer Keyboards, and How Do Keyboards for Mobile Computers and Devices Differ from Desktop Computer Keyboards?

A keyboard is an input device that contains keys users press to enter data and instructions into a computer. Computer keyboards have a typing area that includes letters of the alphabet, numbers, punctuation marks, and other basic keys. Most keyboards also have function keys programmed to issue commands; toggle keys that switch between two states when pressed; and keys used to move the insertion point, or cursor, on the screen. A gaming keyboard is a keyboard designed specifi cally for users who enjoy playing games on the computer. On notebook computers and some other mobile devices, the keyboard is built into the top of the system unit. To fi t in these mobile computers and devices, the keyboards usually are smaller and have fewer keys than desktop computer keyboards.

3. What Are Different Mouse Types, and How Do You Use a Mouse?

A mouse is a pointing device that fi ts under the palm of your hand. An optical mouse uses devices that emit and sense light to detect the mouse’s movement. A laser mouse uses a laser and is more expensive than an optical mouse. An air mouse allows you to control objects, media players, and slide shows by moving the mouse in predetermined directions through the air. A wireless mouse, or cordless mouse, transmits data using wireless technology. As you move a mouse, the mouse pointer moves on the screen. You then press a mouse button (usually the left) to click objects. Some programs support mouse gestures, where users can perform certain actions by holding a mouse button while moving the mouse in a particular pattern.

4. What Are the Various Types of Touch Screens, and How Does a Touch-Sensitive Pad Work?

A touch screen is a touch-sensitive display device. Touch screens that recognize multiple points of contact at the same time are known as multi-touch. Users interact with touch screens by touching areas of the screen such as pictures, numbers, letters, or locations identifi ed on the screen. A kiosk is a freestanding computer that usually includes a  touch screen. Microsoft Surface is a 30-inch tabletop display that allows one or more people to interact with the screen using their fi ngers or hands. A touch-sensitive pad is an input device that enables users to scroll through and play music, view pictures, watch videos or movies, adjust volume, and/or customize settings on a portable media player or other mobile device.

5. What Are the Various Types of Pen Input, and What Are Other Types of Input for Smart Phones?

With pen input, you touch a stylus or digital pen on a fl at surface, such as a screen on a monitor or mobile device, a signature capture pad, or a graphics tablet, to write, draw, or make selections. A stylus is a small metal or plastic device that looks like a tiny ink pen but uses pressure instead of ink. A digital pen, which is slightly larger than a stylus, features electronic erasers and programmable buttons. Handwriting recognition software is a program that translates handwritten letters and symbols into characters a computer or mobile device can process. A signature capture pad captures signatures written with a stylus or pen attached to a device. Some smart phones have digital cameras that have touch-sensitive pads. Others have a portable keyboard or optical keyboard built in.

6. What Are the Purposes of Gamepads, Joysticks and Wheels, Light Guns, Dance Pads, and Motion-Sensing Game Controllers?

A gamepad controls the movement and actions of players or objects in video games  or computer games. A joystick is a handheld vertical lever that you move to control a simulated vehicle or player. A wheel is a steering-wheel-type device that you turn to simulate driving a vehicle. A light gun is used to shoot targets you pull the trigger gets as r on the weapon. A dance pad is an electronic device, divided into panels, that users press with their feet. Motionsensing game controllers, such as the Wii Remote, guide on-screen elements by moving a handheld input device in predetermined directions through the air.

7. How Does Resolution Affect the Quality of a Picture Captured on a Digital Camera?

A digital camera allows users to take pictures and store the photographed images digitally. Resolution is the number of horizontal and vertical pixels in a display device. The   greater the number of pixels the camera uses to capture a picture, the better the quality of the picture. Thus, the higher the resolution, the better the picture quality, but the more expensive the camera.

8. How Are Voice Recognition, Web Cams, and Video Conferencing Used?

Voice recognition, also called speech recognition, is the computer’s capability of distinguishing spoken words. A Web cam, also called a PC video camera, is a digital video camera that enables users to capture video and still images and then send or broadcast the images over the Internet. A video conference is a meeting between two or more geographically separated people who use a network or the Internet to transmit audio and video data.
9. How Do the Various Types of Scanners and Reading Devices Work?

A scanner, or optical scanner, is a light-sensing input device that reads printed text and graphics and translates the results into a form the computer can process. A flatbed scanner works in a manner similar to a copy machine except it creates a fi le of the document. An optical reader uses a light source to read characters, marks, and codes and converts them into digital data that a computer can process. Optical character recognition (OCR) reads characters from ordinary documents. Optical mark recognition (OMR) reads hand-drawn marks such as or rectangles. A bar code reader, or bar code scanner, is an optical reader that uses laser beams to read a bar code, or identifi cation code. RFID (radio frequency identification) uses radio signals to communicate with an embedded tag placed in or attached to an object, an animal, or a person. A magnetic stripe card reader, also called a magstripe reader, reads the magnetic stripe on the b ack of credit cards and other similar cards. MICR (magnetic-ink character recognition) reads text printed with magnetized ink.

10. What Are Various Biometric Devices?

A biometric device translates a personal characteristic into digital code that is compared with a digital code stored in the computer to identify an individual. A fingerprint reader captures curves and indentations of a fi ngerprint. A face recognition system captures a live face image and compares it with a stored image. A hand geometry system measures the shape and size of a hand. A voice verification system compares live speech with a stored voice pattern. A signature verification system recognizes the shape of a signature. An iris recognition system reads patterns in the iris of the eye. Retinal scanners scan patterns of blood vessels in the back of the retina.

11. How Do POS Terminals, Automated Teller Machines, and DVD Kiosks Work?

A terminal is a computer, usually with limited processing power, that enables users to send data to and/or receive information from a host computer. POS terminals, ATMs, and DVD kiosks are special-purpose terminals. A POS (point-of-sale) terminal records purchases, processes credit or debit cards, and updates inventory. An automated teller machine (ATM) is a self-service banking machine that connects to a host computer through a network. A DVD kiosk is a self-service DVD rental machine that connects to a host computer through a network.

12. What Are Alternative Input Devices for Physically Challenged Users?

Voice recognition is ideal for visually impaired users. A keyguard is a plate placed over the keyboard that allows users with limited hand mobility to rest their hands and press only one key at a time. Keyboards with larger keys or an on-screen keyboard displayed on a user’s screen also are available. A small trackball or a head-mounted pointer helps users with limited hand movement to control the pointer or  Two developments in the prototype recognition and computerized  devices.